Join the Crew

About Desertcart

Hi, we are Desertcart. Nerds by day, Superheroes by night !!!

When we are not cruising in our batmobiles, we run an E-Commerce firm. Established in the early 2014, Desertcart today has established itself as a go to website to find products that are not readily available in the UAE.

Think you have the passion and creativity to inspire and make a difference. Well, then find the right job fit for you and we look forward to welcoming you to the Desertcart family !!!

Sorry! We no longer have any vacant positions for hiring.

Company Perks

Benefits aplenty

At Desertcart we provide multiple opportunities for you to grow in your career.

Learn and Evolve

We also provide you full support to take on and learn new skills.

Flexible work hours

We were never really early birds. At Desertcart you get to choose your work timings.

Rock your style

Dress as you like. Just don’t end up dressing like a caveman.

Snacks and more snacks

We are munching on oreos while writing this.

Gym Memberships

All Desertcart employees are provided free gym memberships.

Why work with us?

Be Yourself: At Desertcart we embrace individuality and provide you a working environment where you can readily express your ideas and opinions.

Why so serious! Sure we are serious when it comes to work, but a little humor and fun is always appreciated.

Why conform ? Desertcart is always looking to push the barriers in all aspects of work. You love challenging the status quo, then you will fit right in.

Be Heard: An idea, inspiration can come at any place and from anyone. At Desertcart everyone has a voice, to speak their ideas and opinions.

All work and more play: In the end, we are all one big family. Just like any other family we take time off from work and just have fun together. No group hugs though !